a little bit of this…

To the sweet mommy who feels discouraged today…like she’s less than and can’t get it together – like it’s all too much and there are too many questions and too many requests and you’re about to lose your marbles…


Yes, you.

We’re in this together.  And I’m cheering for you.  Doing cartwheels for you.  (well – sort of.  It doesn’t really look like a cartwheel, but we all have our gifts…)  I’m grateful for you.  And YOU are the mommy your sweet little one(s) need.  We share this beautiful, imperfect road together.  And it’s an honor to share it with you.

So when you feel like it’s chaos and crazy – guess what – same HERE.  I’ve got the photographic proof…

* And if it makes you feel any better – while trying to do something out of the ordinary and bake with my kids yesterday – my son set fire to the eggs and the egg carton.  And my daughter taught my 2 year old to fetch.  Oh the stories we’ll have…

**and to my single friends and engaged friends and dating friends and married friends and every-other-stage-of-life-friends – I’m also grateful for you.  You’ll get your own post soon…



“Hey, Mom!  You gotta see us…”

9 pm after a long day with kids – I found this…

Don’t mess with a boy and his hot chocolate.

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