This picture…this moment…changed my life.
Yes, that’s a bold statement. But it’s true.
Towards the end of our couples’ session, I asked a question that comes up in most of my couples’ sessions. I asked them to each think back through their 10 years together. And to share something they had seen change or grow within their spouse that left them so proud of the other person. (or even just more in love than ever…)
At that moment, Josh began to recount how he had watched Corbett give everything she had to her boys. He continued to share from his heart and she found hers unable to hold back the tears. I watched as I saw love and healing and beauty before me. And as I found myself so blown away by their love and by the fact that God would entrust me with this gift, I luckily remembered to press my shutter button.
To know me is to know that every picture has a story. Whether it’s a wedding day, a couples’ session or an intimate session, I know exactly what brought on that smile, that kiss, those tears… As the shutter captures the scene before me, my heart memorizes the moment around it. The two for me will always be intertwined.
Sure, I love capturing how gorgeous my clients are. But it’s the things that happen in the process of taking those pictures that leaves me with images that make my heart soar. Moments that leave me inspired to love my husband with everything I have. Pictures that remind me to go ahead and say “I love you.” And people that continue to show me the beauty in sharing who you really are.
And as a little reminder, I do have a little giveaway going on this week… For all the details, CLICK HERE.
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