it’s a wheaton mini-session flash sale…

Why hello there…

In just a few days, I’m headed to Wheaton, IL.  And I’ve got an opening for a mini-session while I’m there.

Which means…an opportunity for a special little flash sale.

First, the when and then the flashiness…

Sunday afternoon/evening, April 7
Where:  Herrick Lake in Wheaton, IL
The what: 25 minute session for up to five people.  Basically, it’s 25 minutes laughing, smiling, creating memories and documenting beauty.
The extra awesome-ness: This session will not only include the session, but also the hi-res digital media.  (A $1000 value on it’s own.  Yep.  Cue flash dance, my friends.)

The cost: $475

Email me at to set up your session.  I can’t wait to tell your story…

(PS: I love these two pictured below.  They rock.)

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