a giveaway in honor of Gavin

Today he would be three.  I cannot write words as eloquently as his mom, so I ask you to go read hers.

Precious Gavin contracted pertussis just days before he would have been able to be vaccinated.  He, like so many other sweet little ones, was exposed to an adult carrying the virus who had no idea.

You see…whooping cough?  It can be deadly for little ones.  And the vaccine?  It can wear off over time.

That’s why we all need to get our booster.  Moms, dads, college students, grandmas, grandpas, aunts, uncles, cousins, you name it – if you’re over 18, chances are you should go ahead and get it.  We have to protect these sweet little ones.

Which is why I’m wanting to do something to both celebrate sweet Gavin and encourage all of us to do our part in protecting these precious babies.

I’m giving away a session. And I couldn’t be more excited.

Here’s how to enter and all that rule stuff:


The session MUST be set in Atlanta, GA.  Sweet friends from out of town, you are welcome to enter and I’d LOVE to have you, but you are responsible for getting your gorgeous self (and/or husband/family/friend) here.  (unless you want to enter for my “learn your camera” session)

To be eligible to enter – you MUST get (or have gotten) your adult pertussis booster.  Since we’re adults here – I’m going to go on an honor system. Don’t lie to me.  And…planning to get and getting your vaccine are 2 VERY different things.  Only enter once you’ve GOTTEN yours.


Here’s how to enter:  (and how to get extra entries)

1.  Take a picture of your sweet self that lets me know you got your pertussis booster.  It can be a cell phone picture, a picture with a DSLR – doesn’t matter.  Make a sign that tells me (and everyone who sees it) that you got your pertussis (Tdap) vaccine.  Get your picture with the nurse.  Show off your band-aid.  Include a sign with “For Gavin” and your band-aid.  Just a picture that tells me you did it. Leave those pictures on my Facebook business page:


For extra entries:

2.  Get friends to get their vaccine and SHOW ME.  Take a picture.  Fill the doctor’s office with your friends, your family, your neighbors.  Just snap a picture and leave it for me on my page.  You get an entry for each person you get there.  (If you can’t go with them, send their cell phone picture.  Just some way for me to see your sweet friends and thank you!  You get one extra entry per friend who gets their vaccine.  (And the fun part?  That can be their entry too!)

3.  Share it with your friends!  Share it on Twitter, Facebook, make T-shirts, hang a banner from your dorm room – but share it some way and then comment HERE on this blog post to let me know you did!


What you win…

A session with me here in Atlanta.  This could be a “just me” session, a “just us” session, an engagement session or a family session.  That’s up to you.  Or…I’m also offering a “learn your camera” session for any photographer (or college student or mom or young professional) on any level.  (If you don’t live in Atlanta – we can still make this happen via Skype!)
Deadlines:  All entries MUST be received by November 16.  You’ve got 3 weeks to FLOOD your doctors and nurses with vaccines and honor sweet Gavin and the other precious little ones who have been lost from this deadly disease.



Disclaimer: please excuse any and all typos.  Or things that just don’t make sense.  My husband has been gone and I chaperoned a first grade field trip with my two little boys today.  Needless to say – I’m not firing on all cylinders.

Please pray for Natalie and her sweet family.

To close – a picture of two precious people I adore.

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