epic road trip day 3 & 4

There’s no turning back.

Both Ted and I considered it after our kids decided not to sleep the past two nights.

However – today as we left DC, we knew we’re in.

How’s it going?

Great.  Beautiful.  Life-giving.  So much fun.  Memory-filled.  Hilarious.

And then there are those moments that I just wish we could go home.  Like when I threw up at California Pizza Kitchen in the middle of New Jersey.   Some tears may have been shed.

Today’s highlights?  Spending time with Carson and Brent before they leave DC.  Watching them play with our kids…  Hugging some of my favorite little clients.  (pictures coming soon!)  Having a picnic in Baltimore overlooking the water.  Playing Leap Frog in the middle of the park.  Driving through Philadelphia.  (DEFINITELY want to come back there.  Oh my goodness.  So inspiring and awesome.)  Visiting Liberty State Park and seeing the Statue of Liberty with the kids.  Hugging them and playing tag and wanting time to stop.

There are so many pictures to share soon, but for the moment – I need to go to bed.



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