
You’d think we’re crazy.

And in some ways you’d be right.

For about a year, we’ve sensed a change needed to happen.

I wasn’t able to be fully me anymore.  Ted’s job wasn’t the right fit for him. And that whole being stuck in our house for about 7 months of the year due to extreme coldness?  Not working out for us.

And so we decided.  We’re moving.

To Atlanta…  Where we have family.  Where it’s warm. (Sometimes uncomfortably so…)  Where we could have or rent a 3-4 bedroom house for about HALF of what we pay on our mortgage here.  Where we could be near an airport and closer to the city – something that energizes us all.  Where the pace of life is slower and people say hi as you pass them.

This is also a place where Ted currently has no job and of course I don’t have a business yet.


We realize we look crazy.

But deep within us, we know God has something for us there.  And though no one has looked at our house in a while, we’re trusting Him to help us move – hopefully in time for the Little Miss to start kindergarten.  And yes…right after having a baby.  Why not?

It’s hard living by faith.  It’s hard not to feel like you look stupid.  It’s hard to hang on. Even though you know it’s not best for you to stay in the same – at least it doesn’t leave you out there hanging with the potential of falling on your face.  It’s hard to go for it.

But it’s worth it.

It’s worth fighting for.

At least that’s what I keep reminding myself…

PS: if you are looking for a townhouse in the Chicago area – or you don’t mind praying we’d sell ours – we’d really appreciate it!

PPS:  If you live in Atlanta – we’d love your recommendations on where to live and I’d love to have you in front of my camera sometime in the fall!

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